Children's Liturgy of the Word

Every Sunday we gather together as God's family to listen to Jesus through His Word, and also to remember and celebrate the death and resurrection of Christ.

There is a special 'Liturgy of the Word' held for children every Sunday at the 10am Mass.  The children are called forward to the altar at the beginning of the Mass to be sent out to hear 'God's Word'. 

Children are divided into two groups: 5-6 year olds, and 7 year olds and up.  The celebration of the 'Liturgy of the Word' is especially for those that have already made their First Holy Communion and for those yet to receive.

The sessions are based on the scripture readings of the day along with prayer. This enables the children to understand the scriptures at their own level of understanding.

Please contact Heidi at the parish office. Ph. 5754807 Ext 6, email: for further information if required.
